What is a Mailer Daemon? From the mythological meaning, later rationalised as the acronym "Disk And Execution MONitor" A program that is not invoked explicitly, but lies dormant waiting for some conditions to occur.
A Mailer Daemon means that the Postman has brought you back the same letter you tried to send out because he can't find the person you were trying to deliver it to. Plain and simple. Most
Mailer Daemons look like this: Now... in Technical Terms Pronounced
demon or damon, a process that runs in the background
and performs a specified operation at predefined times or in
response to certain events. If you have Microsoft Office, it
has a program running all the time that is call Microsoft Office
AU Daemon. AU (automatic update) Daemon (checking periodically
and automatically for those updates). Your daemon email response
is technically a message was created automatically by mail delivery
software (i.e. Exim). |
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